Monday 18 April 2011

Feeling a bit sluggish? Get yourself gardening

Ok, it's a snail but I do love a pun. 
I think I'll call him Clive. 
I have to admit that I'm normally lobbing these little guys over the wall and away from my precious plants but this one was so tiny and shiny that I've let him be.
The garden is looking good after a weekend of landscaping and muscle-crippling grunt work.  I re-set the path, weeded absolutely everywhere, gave the soil a good turn over, and planted a few new plants that are going to create a nice little rockery area.
The vegetable seeds have been sewn and have had a good start in the greenhouse, and the peas and red onions are ready to go into the ground.  My next project is going to be trying to make a support for the peas out of old branches from the garden.  More heavy duty grunt work!


  1. Hi Clive,

    Lucky you are a photogenic snail !

  2. Just realised that I typed "vegetable seeds have been SEWN"! What can I say, when I'm not sewing in the house, I'm sowing in the garden:)
