Monday 12 April 2010

Get out in the Garden

I'm having one of those days when I look around the flat and feel ever so slightly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of STUFF strewn across the floor, the sofa, the dining table, the bed, the kitchen worktops, the bed in the spare bedroom, the floor in the spare bedroom, and distinctly underwhelmed by the prospect of straightening things up. I just tidied yesterday. Where does it all come from?
Adding to the mess are the pots of earth full of seedlings. Spring has sprung! It always seems a good idea about January/February but by the end of March, I can guarantee that I will have knocked over at least three out of the ten trays. (I have a good vacuum cleaner, it's ok); the inch of soil permanently buried under my finger nails stops giving the impression of an outdoors-y, fun-lovin gal and starts growing vegetation of its own; and the trail of water from sink to windowsill becomes more moat-like as I get sloppier.
Thankfully, it's almost time to get these little guys out of the flat and into the back garden and then the real fun begins! Eating vegetables you've grown from seed, is there anything better? (Well, no doubt there is, but in this context...)


  1. Loving those seedlings with attitude!!

  2. *chuckle* These seeds have just been transplanted to the veg garden. Hopefully they will be happy in their new home.
