If you, too, have a predatory Amazon seller in your family, you will no doubt be familiar with the following exchange:
Amazon seller: You have so many books. Have you read them all?
Book lover: No
Amazon seller: Why don't you get rid of some of them? You could sell
them, make a bit of money.
Book lover: Sell my books?! Are you insane, wumman?
Amazon seller: What? When was the last time you read... [looking around trying to find just one example out of hundreds]... Ulysses?
Book lover: Uni.
Amazon seller: Have you read it since?
Book lover: No
Amazon seller: Why do you still have it then?
Book lover: I don't know. I may read it again, I may lend it to someone.
Repeat ad nauseum until...
Amazon seller: Ok, what about this copy of To the Lighthouse? I thought you hated Virginia Woolf.
Book lover: I do! You can have that one. I didn't realise that was in there.
It's nice to let them win occasionally
[Love you, Mum xx]